Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best Way to Cheat In EXAMS

1...Type in Computer Or use the micro from Photo copier(toner,Or Powdered One...

2.Print it with laser Printer (photo copy will do)

3..Stick a layer of transparent adhesive tapes (eg:Scotch Tape) on the copied notes

4.Cut Them Into Stripes And Soak in cold Water(With Tape On It A GOOD ONE)

5.After a few minutes, peel off the adhesive tape from the paper carefully....You will be able to see that your notes have been transfered to the tapes:(This IS the best part isnt it):::

NOTE:::Dry the adhesive tape so that it will become sticky again::

7 ...Stick to Any thing A pencil ,Pen ,then goto examination hall and stick on side of ur desk or quenstion paper.

Enjoy And Teach ur Brothers And children Or Use in supply

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